Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Molly, Dizzy, and Baby

To view full session click here: Molly, Dizzy, and Baby

While visiting my mother in Baltimore this past weekend, I took the opportunity to photograph some of my favorite, furry, childhood companions.

Molly is a beautiful German Sherpard that my mom adopted after I left for college (probably because she missed me so much).  And although my mom will tell anyone she meets just how irreplacble her only, loving daughter is ( haha mom - i know you are LOVING this).... Molly does a pretty darn good job of filling the void.  Molly is very playful and loves tennis balls - and not just one. She plays with two at a time and it is so funny watching her try and fit two tennis balls in her cheeks and carry them across the yard. My mom has her well trained though and she will bring her those two fluffy yellow balls at the snap of a finger.

Dizzy Mayand Baby were both high school additions. They are good old pals, and if I do say so myself - they are two fine looking cats. Both have such a sweet and innocent faces and I get really nostaligic just looking at them. I think about times with my family and taking care of these animals. I was lucky my mom put up with my wanting to save every animal on the planet.

I also love tryin to capture cats personailities. With dogs it is easy to get a silly moment, or a unique moment that describes the dogs personality. Cat's personalities are also much different on film. There is a quite grace about them and they hold back on you. Getting their TRUE personlitty on film is a fun and different challenge for me.

 I hope you enjoy these pictures as much as I do. Until next time..

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